Clone BO23759 Report

Search the DGRC for BO23759

Clone and Library Details

Tissue Source:D. melanogaster
Created by:Joe Carlson
Date Registered:2004-06-03
Comments:Infusion clones with open reading frames
Original Plate Number:237
Associated Gene/TranscriptTina-1-RB
Protein status:BO23759.pep: full length peptide match
Sequenced Size:286

Clone Sequence Records

BO23759.complete Sequence

286 bp assembled on 2010-04-13

GenBank Submission: KX795985

> BO23759.complete

BO23759.complete Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-CDS-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 07:43:53
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Tina-1-RB 255 CG2803-PB 1..252 17..268 1260 100 Plus
Tina-1-RA 504 CG2803-PA 250..501 17..268 1260 100 Plus
Blast to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 07:43:55
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Tina-1-RB 1429 CG2803-RB 914..1165 17..268 1260 100 Plus
Tina-1-RA 914 CG2803-RA 399..650 17..268 1260 100 Plus
Blast to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2014-11-27 07:43:51
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
2R 25286936 2R 24940889..24941055 268..102 835 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 24941122..24941207 102..17 430 100 Minus
Blast to na_te.dros performed on 2014-11-27 07:43:52 has no hits.

BO23759.complete Sim4 Records

Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.12.fasta performed 2010-04-19 16:23:54 Download gff for BO23759.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Tina-1-RB 903..1154 17..270 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 05:21:26 Download gff for BO23759.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Tina-1-RA 399..650 17..270 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 08:16:00 Download gff for BO23759.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Tina-1-RA 399..650 17..270 99   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2014-11-27 08:16:00 Download gff for BO23759.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 24940887..24941054 103..270 98 <- Minus
2R 24941122..24941207 17..102 100   Minus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE5 performed 2013-08-04 05:21:26 Download gff for BO23759.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
arm_2R 20828410..20828577 103..270 98 <- Minus
arm_2R 20828645..20828730 17..102 100   Minus

BO23759.pep Sequence

Translation from 16 to 286

> BO23759.pep

BO23759.pep Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 01:13:38
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Tina-1-PB 84 CG2803-PB 1..84 1..84 462 100 Plus
Tina-1-PA 167 CG2803-PA 84..167 1..84 462 100 Plus
CG2811-PA 157 CG2811-PA 81..157 1..80 139 38.8 Plus