Clone BO29929 Report

Search the DGRC for BO29929

Clone and Library Details

Tissue Source:D. melanogaster
Created by:Joe Carlson
Date Registered:2004-06-03
Comments:Infusion clones with open reading frames
Original Plate Number:299
Associated Gene/TranscriptCG31922-RA
Protein status:BO29929.pep: Imported from assembly
Sequenced Size:451

Clone Sequence Records

BO29929.complete Sequence

451 bp assembled on 2012-04-24

GenBank Submission: KX797172

> BO29929.complete

BO29929.complete Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-CDS-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 04:47:08
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG31922-RA 420 CG31922-PA 1..417 17..433 2085 100 Plus
Blast to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 04:47:09
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG31922-RA 497 CG31922-RA 54..470 17..433 2085 100 Plus
Plap-RC 2746 CG5105-RC 3..132 146..17 650 100 Minus
Blast to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2014-11-28 04:47:06
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
2L 23513712 2L 1170610..1170762 281..433 765 100 Plus
2L 23513712 2L 1170418..1170553 146..281 680 100 Plus
2L 23513712 2L 1170234..1170363 17..146 650 100 Plus
Blast to na_te.dros performed on 2014-11-28 04:47:07 has no hits.

BO29929.complete Sim4 Records

Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.32.fasta performed 2012-04-24 17:00:43 Download gff for BO29929.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG31922-RA 54..470 17..435 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 22:26:27 Download gff for BO29929.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG31922-RA 54..470 17..435 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 05:57:17 Download gff for BO29929.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG31922-RA 54..470 17..435 99   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2014-11-28 05:57:17 Download gff for BO29929.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2L 1170234..1170363 17..146 100 -> Plus
2L 1170419..1170553 147..281 100 -> Plus
2L 1170611..1170762 282..435 98   Plus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE5 performed 2013-08-04 22:26:27 Download gff for BO29929.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
arm_2L 1170419..1170553 147..281 100 -> Plus
arm_2L 1170611..1170762 282..435 98   Plus
arm_2L 1170234..1170363 17..146 100 -> Plus

BO29929.pep Sequence

Translation from 16 to 451

> BO29929.pep

BO29929.pep Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-29 08:12:53
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG31922-PA 139 CG31922-PA 1..139 1..139 783 100 Plus