Clone IP11148 Report

Search the DGRC for IP11148

Clone and Library Details

Tissue Source:Pooled D melanogaster cDNA libraries
Created by: 
Date Registered:2004-07-08
Original Plate Number:111
Associated Gene/TranscriptCG2053-RA
Protein status:IP11148.pep: gold
Preliminary Size:1182
Sequenced Size:1126

Associated Genes

Associations are from manual ordering of a clone or by a periodic analysis.
Gene Date Evidence
CG2053 2005-01-01 Successful iPCR screen
CG2053 2008-04-29 Release 5.5 accounting
CG2053 2008-08-15 Release 5.9 accounting
CG2053 2008-12-18 5.12 accounting

Clone Sequence Records

IP11148.complete Sequence

1126 bp (1126 high quality bases) assembled on 2005-03-06

GenBank Submission: BT022983

> IP11148.complete

IP11148.complete Blast Records

Blast to MB8.fasta performed 2010-07-15 17:47:16
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG2053-RA 1375 CG2053-RA 124..1232 1..1109 5545 100 Plus
Blast to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-15 15:20:44
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
chr3R 27901430 chr3R 27860539..27861433 1..895 4475 100 Plus
chr3R 27901430 chr3R 27861483..27861696 895..1108 1070 100 Plus
Blast to dmel-all-all_noncoding-r5.12.fasta performed on 2010-04-22 18:04:39 has no hits.
Blast to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 15:20:42
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
3R 32079331 3R 32038453..32039347 1..895 4475 100 Plus
3R 32079331 3R 32039397..32039611 895..1109 1075 100 Plus
Blast to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-12 19:36:53
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
3R 31820162 3R 31779284..31780178 1..895 4475 100 Plus
3R 31820162 3R 31780228..31780442 895..1109 1075 100 Plus
Blast to na_te.dros performed on 2019-03-15 15:20:42 has no hits.

IP11148.complete Sim4 Records

Sim4 to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-15 15:21:31 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
chr3R 27860539..27861433 1..895 100 -> Plus
chr3R 27861484..27861696 896..1108 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.12.fasta performed 2008-12-08 17:48:18 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 1..897 31..927 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 16:16:57 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 1..897 31..927 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 01:24:56 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 1..897 31..927 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 17:01:20 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 1..897 31..927 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-26 21:03:06 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 1..897 31..927 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.12.fasta performed 2008-11-10 19:16:19 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 81..1182 1..1102 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 16:16:57 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 81..1182 1..1102 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 01:24:56 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 81..1182 1..1102 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 17:01:20 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 81..1182 1..1102 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-26 21:03:06 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2053-RA 124..1231 1..1108 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 15:21:31 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
3R 32038453..32039347 1..895 100 -> Plus
3R 32039398..32039610 896..1108 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 15:21:31 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
3R 32038453..32039347 1..895 100 -> Plus
3R 32039398..32039610 896..1108 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 15:21:31 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
3R 32038453..32039347 1..895 100 -> Plus
3R 32039398..32039610 896..1108 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE5 performed 2013-08-04 01:24:56 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
arm_3R 27864175..27865069 1..895 100 -> Plus
arm_3R 27865120..27865332 896..1108 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-09 13:37:03 Download gff for IP11148.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
3R 31779284..31780178 1..895 100 -> Plus
3R 31780229..31780441 896..1108 100   Plus

IP11148.pep Sequence

Translation from 30 to 926

> IP11148.pep

IP11148.pep Blast Records

Blast to dana-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:42
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dana\GF20275-PA 304 GF20275-PA 27..267 15..258 476 40.2 Plus
Blast to dere-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:42
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dere\GG11840-PA 299 GG11840-PA 1..299 1..298 1451 91.3 Plus
Dere\GG19241-PA 297 GG19241-PA 22..260 17..258 478 40.9 Plus
Blast to dgri-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:43
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dgri\GH24151-PA 304 GH24151-PA 23..263 17..260 475 40.6 Plus
Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.23.fasta performed 2019-03-25 10:26:42
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG2053-PB 298 CG2053-PB 1..298 1..298 1543 100 Plus
CG2053-PA 298 CG2053-PA 1..298 1..298 1543 100 Plus
Rcd-1-PA 304 CG14213-PA 21..267 9..258 469 40 Plus
Rcd-1-PB 304 CG14213-PB 21..267 9..258 469 40 Plus
Rcd-1-PC 301 CG14213-PC 29..264 20..258 457 41 Plus
Rcd-1r-PA 290 CG9573-PA 6..258 3..258 343 34.4 Plus
Blast to dmoj-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:43
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dmoj\GI21711-PA 306 GI21711-PA 23..265 15..260 485 40.7 Plus
Blast to dper-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:44
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dper\GL23452-PA 331 GL23452-PA 1..295 1..296 775 50.3 Plus
Dper\GL27101-PA 296 GL27101-PA 1..259 1..258 490 40.1 Plus
Blast to dpse-all-translation-r3.2.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:44
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dpse\GA27260-PA 302 GA27260-PA 1..290 1..291 770 50.2 Plus
Dpse\GA12828-PA 296 GA12828-PA 1..259 1..258 490 40.1 Plus
Blast to dsec-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:45
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsec\GM16460-PA 298 GM16460-PA 1..298 1..298 1528 95.6 Plus
Dsec\GM22976-PA 299 GM22976-PA 22..262 15..258 479 40.6 Plus
Dsec\GM12572-PA 297 GM12572-PA 7..258 4..258 344 32.5 Plus
Blast to dsim-all-translation-r1.4.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:46
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsim\GD21611-PA 298 GD21611-PA 1..298 1..298 1522 95.6 Plus
Dsim\GD22367-PA 297 GD22367-PA 7..258 4..258 326 30.2 Plus
Blast to dvir-all-translation-r1.2.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:46
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dvir\GJ15574-PA 302 GJ15574-PA 1..261 1..260 483 39.8 Plus
Blast to dwil-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:47
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dwil\GK12164-PA 295 GK12164-PA 1..282 1..288 854 59.4 Plus
Dwil\GK16372-PA 304 GK16372-PA 22..262 15..258 479 40.6 Plus
Dwil\GK13072-PA 269 GK13072-PA 6..254 9..254 413 36 Plus
Blast to dyak-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-15 16:19:47
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dyak\GE10974-PA 299 GE10974-PA 1..299 1..298 1456 91.6 Plus
Dyak\GE15860-PA 298 GE15860-PA 23..261 17..258 478 40.9 Plus

IP11148.hyp Sequence

Translation from 30 to 926

> IP11148.hyp

IP11148.hyp Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 12:35:59
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG2053-PB 298 CG2053-PB 1..298 1..298 1543 100 Plus
CG2053-PA 298 CG2053-PA 1..298 1..298 1543 100 Plus
Rcd-1-PA 304 CG14213-PA 21..267 9..258 469 40 Plus
Rcd-1-PB 304 CG14213-PB 21..267 9..258 469 40 Plus
Rcd-1-PC 301 CG14213-PC 29..264 20..258 457 41 Plus