Clone LD44591 Report

Search the DGRC for LD44591

Clone and Library Details

Tissue Source:Drosophila melanogaster embryo
Created by:Ling Hong
Date Registered:1997-12-04
Comments:Constructed using Stratagene ZAP-cDNA Synthesis kit. Oligo dT-primed and directionally cloned at EcoRI and XhoI in BlueScript SK(+/-)
Original Plate Number:445
Associated Gene/TranscriptPka-R2-RA
Protein status:LD44591.pep: gold
Preliminary Size:2291
Sequenced Size:2074

Associated Genes

Associations are from manual ordering of a clone or by a periodic analysis.
Gene Date Evidence
CG15862 2001-11-29 Blastp of sequenced clone
Pka-R2 2008-04-29 Release 5.5 accounting
Pka-R2 2008-08-15 Release 5.9 accounting
Pka-R2 2008-12-18 5.12 accounting

Clone Sequence Records

LD44591.complete Sequence

2074 bp (2074 high quality bases) assembled on 2001-11-29

GenBank Submission: AY069669

> LD44591.complete

LD44591.complete Blast Records

Blast to MB8.fasta performed 2010-07-15 19:55:20
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Pka-R2.f 4251 Pka-R2.f 305..2277 59..2031 9850 99.9 Plus
Pka-R2.h 3054 Pka-R2.h 305..2277 59..2031 9850 99.9 Plus
Pka-R2.j 4098 Pka-R2.j 305..2277 59..2031 9850 99.9 Plus
Pka-R2.f 4251 Pka-R2.f 225..289 1..64 285 98.4 Plus
Pka-R2.h 3054 Pka-R2.h 225..289 1..64 285 98.4 Plus
Pka-R2.j 4098 Pka-R2.j 225..289 1..64 285 98.4 Plus
Blast to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-15 22:31:17
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5883328..5884129 2028..1227 4010 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5892653..5892876 437..214 1120 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5885212..5885398 1226..1040 935 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5887240..5887422 619..437 915 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5885920..5886069 964..815 750 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5911567..5911718 216..65 730 98.7 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5886932..5887036 720..616 525 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5886212..5886307 816..721 480 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5885774..5885854 1042..962 405 100 Minus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 5913367..5913431 64..1 275 98.5 Minus
Blast to dmel-all-all_noncoding-r5.12.fasta performed on 2010-04-22 19:40:22 has no hits.
Blast to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 22:31:15
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
2R 25286936 2R 9995817..9996621 2031..1227 4025 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 10005157..10005380 437..214 1120 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 9997704..9997890 1226..1040 935 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 9999734..9999916 619..437 915 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 10024051..10024202 216..65 760 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 9998415..9998564 964..815 750 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 9999425..9999529 720..616 525 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 9998707..9998802 816..721 480 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 9998269..9998349 1042..962 405 100 Minus
2R 25286936 2R 10025850..10025914 64..1 275 98.5 Minus
Blast to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-12 21:20:48
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
2R 25260384 2R 9997016..9997820 2031..1227 4025 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 10006356..10006579 437..214 1120 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 9998903..9999089 1226..1040 935 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 10000933..10001115 619..437 915 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 10025250..10025401 216..65 760 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 9999614..9999763 964..815 750 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 10000624..10000728 720..616 525 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 9999906..10000001 816..721 480 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 9999468..9999548 1042..962 405 100 Minus
2R 25260384 2R 10027049..10027113 64..1 285 98.4 Minus
Blast to na_te.dros performed on 2019-03-15 22:31:16 has no hits.

LD44591.complete Sim4 Records

Sim4 to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-15 22:32:07 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
chr2R 5883989..5884129 1227..1367 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5885212..5885397 1041..1226 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5885776..5885851 965..1040 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5885920..5886067 817..964 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5886212..5886307 721..816 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5886932..5887032 620..720 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5887240..5887421 438..619 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5892653..5892873 217..437 100 <- Minus
chr2R 5911567..5911718 65..216 98 <- Minus
chr2R 5913367..5913431 1..64 98   Minus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.12.fasta performed 2010-07-28 17:34:43 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RC 1..1134 224..1357 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 19:26:31 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RC 1..1134 224..1357 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 06:23:21 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RA 1..1134 224..1357 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 19:53:55 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RC 1..1134 224..1357 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 01:26:19 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RA 1..1134 224..1357 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.12.fasta performed 2010-07-28 17:34:42 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RA 122..2150 1..2028 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 19:26:31 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RA 122..2150 1..2028 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 06:23:21 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RA 129..2157 1..2028 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 19:53:55 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RA 122..2150 1..2028 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 01:26:19 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pka-R2-RA 129..2157 1..2028 99   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 22:32:07 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 10024051..10024202 65..216 100 <- Minus
2R 10025850..10025914 1..64 98   Minus
2R 10005157..10005377 217..437 100 <- Minus
2R 9995820..9996621 1227..2028 100 <- Minus
2R 9997704..9997889 1041..1226 100 <- Minus
2R 9998271..9998346 965..1040 100 <- Minus
2R 9998415..9998562 817..964 100 <- Minus
2R 9998707..9998802 721..816 100 <- Minus
2R 9999425..9999525 620..720 100 <- Minus
2R 9999734..9999915 438..619 100 <- Minus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 22:32:07 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 10024051..10024202 65..216 100 <- Minus
2R 10025850..10025914 1..64 98   Minus
2R 10005157..10005377 217..437 100 <- Minus
2R 9995820..9996621 1227..2028 100 <- Minus
2R 9997704..9997889 1041..1226 100 <- Minus
2R 9998271..9998346 965..1040 100 <- Minus
2R 9998415..9998562 817..964 100 <- Minus
2R 9998707..9998802 721..816 100 <- Minus
2R 9999425..9999525 620..720 100 <- Minus
2R 9999734..9999915 438..619 100 <- Minus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-15 22:32:07 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 10024051..10024202 65..216 100 <- Minus
2R 10025850..10025914 1..64 98   Minus
2R 10005157..10005377 217..437 100 <- Minus
2R 9995820..9996621 1227..2028 100 <- Minus
2R 9997704..9997889 1041..1226 100 <- Minus
2R 9998271..9998346 965..1040 100 <- Minus
2R 9998415..9998562 817..964 100 <- Minus
2R 9998707..9998802 721..816 100 <- Minus
2R 9999425..9999525 620..720 100 <- Minus
2R 9999734..9999915 438..619 100 <- Minus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE5 performed 2013-08-04 06:23:21 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
arm_2R 5883325..5884126 1227..2028 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5885209..5885394 1041..1226 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5885776..5885851 965..1040 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5885920..5886067 817..964 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5886212..5886307 721..816 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5886930..5887030 620..720 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5887239..5887420 438..619 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5892662..5892882 217..437 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5911556..5911707 65..216 100 <- Minus
arm_2R 5913355..5913419 1..64 98   Minus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-09 16:30:00 Download gff for LD44591.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 9997019..9997820 1227..2028 100 <- Minus
2R 9998903..9999088 1041..1226 100 <- Minus
2R 9999470..9999545 965..1040 100 <- Minus
2R 9999614..9999761 817..964 100 <- Minus
2R 9999906..10000001 721..816 100 <- Minus
2R 10000624..10000724 620..720 100 <- Minus
2R 10000933..10001114 438..619 100 <- Minus
2R 10006356..10006576 217..437 100 <- Minus
2R 10025250..10025401 65..216 100 <- Minus
2R 10027049..10027113 1..64 98   Minus

LD44591.hyp Sequence

Translation from 223 to 1356

> LD44591.hyp

LD44591.hyp Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 14:29:40
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Pka-R2-PB 377 CG15862-PB 1..377 1..377 1911 100 Plus
Pka-R2-PA 377 CG15862-PA 1..377 1..377 1911 100 Plus
Pka-R2-PD 373 CG15862-PD 1..373 1..373 1769 93.8 Plus
Pka-R2-PE 376 CG15862-PE 1..372 1..369 1758 94.4 Plus
Pka-R1-PAC 377 CG42341-PAC 26..371 15..361 637 41.2 Plus

LD44591.pep Sequence

Translation from 223 to 1356

> LD44591.pep

LD44591.pep Blast Records

Blast to dana-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:45
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dana\GF13729-PA 376 GF13729-PA 1..376 1..377 1922 95.8 Plus
Dana\GF24284-PA 321 GF24284-PA 16..315 58..361 618 43.5 Plus
Dana\GF14659-PA 1076 GF14659-PA 486..744 105..358 355 33.8 Plus
Dana\GF15745-PA 1020 GF15745-PA 428..672 105..346 344 33.9 Plus
Dana\GF14873-PA 780 GF14873-PA 145..439 75..366 338 27 Plus
Blast to dere-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:46
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dere\GG25241-PA 410 GG25241-PA 1..410 1..377 1956 91.7 Plus
Dere\GG16143-PA 321 GG16143-PA 16..315 58..361 622 43.8 Plus
Dere\GG24630-PA 768 GG24630-PA 185..439 124..375 334 28.9 Plus
Dere\GG10087-PA 1008 GG10087-PA 433..660 120..346 319 32.9 Plus
Dere\GG24420-PA 1319 GG24420-PA 792..987 165..358 275 33 Plus
Blast to dgri-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:46
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dgri\GH21613-PA 376 GH21613-PA 1..376 1..377 1838 89.7 Plus
Dgri\GH25304-PA 186 GH25304-PA 1..179 95..273 909 93.3 Plus
Dgri\GH15909-PA 376 GH15909-PA 26..370 15..361 642 40.2 Plus
Dgri\GH10498-PA 766 GH10498-PA 135..428 75..366 362 27.2 Plus
Dgri\GH11077-PA 1048 GH11077-PA 475..701 121..346 344 34.2 Plus
Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.23.fasta performed 2019-03-25 11:16:17
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Pka-R2-PB 377 CG15862-PB 1..377 1..377 1911 100 Plus
Pka-R2-PA 377 CG15862-PA 1..377 1..377 1911 100 Plus
Pka-R2-PD 373 CG15862-PD 1..373 1..373 1769 93.8 Plus
Pka-R2-PE 376 CG15862-PE 1..372 1..369 1758 94.4 Plus
Pka-R1-PAC 377 CG42341-PAC 26..371 15..361 637 41.2 Plus
Pka-R1-PAB 377 CG42341-PAB 26..371 15..361 637 41.2 Plus
Pka-R1-PAA 377 CG42341-PAA 26..371 15..361 637 41.2 Plus
Pka-R1-PU 376 CG42341-PU 26..370 15..361 635 41 Plus
Pka-R1-PT 376 CG42341-PT 26..370 15..361 635 41 Plus
Pka-R1-PP 376 CG42341-PP 26..370 15..361 635 41 Plus
Pka-R1-PM 376 CG42341-PM 26..370 15..361 635 41 Plus
Pka-R1-PL 376 CG3263-PJ 26..370 15..361 635 41 Plus
Pka-R1-PK 376 CG3263-PI 26..370 15..361 635 41 Plus
Pka-R1-PV 464 CG42341-PV 110..458 11..361 605 40.6 Plus
Pka-R1-PZ 320 CG42341-PZ 14..314 58..361 604 44 Plus
Pka-R1-PW 322 CG42341-PW 16..316 58..361 604 44 Plus
Pka-R1-PO 463 CG42341-PO 110..457 11..361 603 40.4 Plus
Pka-R1-PR 319 CG42341-PR 14..313 58..361 602 43.8 Plus
Pka-R1-PQ 321 CG42341-PQ 16..315 58..361 602 43.8 Plus
Pka-R1-PX 297 CG42341-PX 5..291 72..361 597 45.1 Plus
Pka-R1-PS 296 CG42341-PS 5..290 72..361 595 44.9 Plus
Pka-R1-PN 296 CG42341-PN 5..290 72..361 595 44.9 Plus
for-PL 742 CG10033-PL 152..432 105..377 352 32.5 Plus
for-PA 1088 CG10033-PA 498..778 105..377 352 32.5 Plus
for-PI 1088 CG10033-PI 498..778 105..377 352 32.5 Plus
for-PH 1088 CG10033-PH 498..778 105..377 352 32.5 Plus
for-PN 568 CG10033-PN 2..258 126..377 340 32.3 Plus
for-PM 568 CG10033-PM 2..258 126..377 340 32.3 Plus
Pkg21D-PA 768 CG3324-PA 114..428 50..363 339 26.1 Plus
CG4839-PA 1003 CG4839-PA 324..663 31..354 339 26.5 Plus
CG4839-PB 1003 CG4839-PB 324..663 31..354 339 26.5 Plus
for-PJ 934 CG10033-PJ 386..624 150..377 276 31.4 Plus
for-PE 934 CG10033-PE 386..624 150..377 276 31.4 Plus
for-PK 894 CG10033-PK 356..584 154..377 274 31.4 Plus
for-PG 894 CG10033-PG 356..584 154..377 274 31.4 Plus
for-PD 894 CG10033-PD 356..584 154..377 274 31.4 Plus
for-PC 894 CG10033-PC 356..584 154..377 274 31.4 Plus
for-PO 471 CG10033-PO 1..161 222..377 165 29.2 Plus
Blast to dmoj-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:47
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dmoj\GI20066-PA 377 GI20066-PA 1..377 1..377 1810 89.7 Plus
Dmoj\GI16562-PA 407 GI16562-PA 116..401 72..361 617 44.5 Plus
Dmoj\GI17596-PA 1027 GI17596-PA 439..680 107..346 352 33.5 Plus
Dmoj\GI17764-PA 1111 GI17764-PA 521..779 105..358 347 33.5 Plus
Dmoj\GI18016-PA 484 GI18016-PA 14..144 236..363 177 33.6 Plus
Blast to dper-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:48
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dper\GL10567-PA 372 GL10567-PA 1..372 1..373 1691 84.2 Plus
Dper\GL24352-PA 377 GL24352-PA 27..371 15..361 651 40.7 Plus
Dper\GL15340-PA 768 GL15340-PA 182..426 124..366 353 30.1 Plus
Dper\GL18962-PA 1002 GL18962-PA 340..676 38..372 344 28.8 Plus
Dper\GL19466-PA 1482 GL19466-PA 957..1159 167..366 270 32 Plus
Blast to dpse-all-translation-r3.2.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:48
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dpse\GA13988-PA 376 GA13988-PA 1..376 1..377 1834 90.2 Plus
Dpse\GA30007-PB 377 GA17030-PA 27..371 15..361 651 40.7 Plus
Dpse\GA30007-PE 427 GA30007-PE 121..421 58..361 621 43.6 Plus
Dpse\GA30007-PF 321 GA30007-PF 16..315 58..361 618 43.5 Plus
Dpse\GA30007-PD 297 GA30007-PD 5..291 72..361 617 44.7 Plus
Blast to dsec-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:49
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsec\GM20562-PA 411 GM20562-PA 1..411 1..377 1959 91.7 Plus
Dsec\GM22325-PA 321 GM22325-PA 16..315 58..361 622 43.8 Plus
Dsec\GM18132-PA 813 GM18132-PA 493..751 105..358 356 33.2 Plus
Dsec\GM16646-PA 768 GM16646-PA 185..439 124..375 333 28.9 Plus
Dsec\GM17960-PA 1013 GM17960-PA 438..665 120..346 322 32.9 Plus
Blast to dsim-all-translation-r1.4.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:50
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsim\GD10033-PA 411 GD10033-PA 1..411 1..377 1959 91.7 Plus
Dsim\GD14914-PA 321 GD14914-PA 16..315 58..361 622 43.8 Plus
Dsim\GD22740-PA 1079 GD22740-PA 489..747 105..358 353 33.2 Plus
Dsim\GD22942-PA 768 GD22942-PA 185..439 124..375 333 28.9 Plus
Dsim\GD23660-PA 963 GD23660-PA 388..615 120..346 320 32.9 Plus
Blast to dvir-all-translation-r1.2.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:50
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dvir\GJ21160-PA 377 GJ21160-PA 1..377 1..377 1824 88.6 Plus
Dvir\GJ12814-PA 376 GJ12814-PA 26..370 15..361 645 40.5 Plus
Dvir\GJ19652-PA 769 GJ19652-PA 137..429 75..363 359 27.7 Plus
Dvir\GJ17940-PA 1013 GJ17940-PA 439..666 120..346 330 32.5 Plus
Dvir\GJ17588-PA 1186 GJ17588-PA 927..1124 163..358 274 34 Plus
Blast to dwil-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:51
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dwil\GK21366-PA 396 GK21366-PA 1..396 1..377 1725 80.8 Plus
Dwil\GK25343-PA 376 GK25343-PA 26..370 15..361 648 40.5 Plus
Dwil\GK15473-PA 1097 GK15473-PA 507..765 105..358 357 33.8 Plus
Dwil\GK24624-PA 779 GK24624-PA 147..453 78..370 341 26.9 Plus
Dwil\GK18409-PA 1034 GK18409-PA 441..701 105..362 331 31.4 Plus
Blast to dyak-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 10:32:51
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dyak\GE21875-PA 430 GE21875-PA 21..430 1..377 1967 92 Plus
Dyak\GE19713-PA 321 GE19713-PA 16..315 58..361 622 43.8 Plus
Dyak\GE14825-PA 1089 GE14825-PA 499..757 105..358 354 33.2 Plus
Dyak\GE15942-PA 768 GE15942-PA 185..430 124..366 330 29.6 Plus
Dyak\GE18902-PA 1027 GE18902-PA 452..679 120..346 319 32.5 Plus