Clone RE23862 Report

Search the DGRC for RE23862

Clone and Library Details

Tissue Source:Drosophila melanogaster embryo
Created by:Piero Carninci, RIKEN Genome Science Laboratory
Date Registered:2000-10-23
Comments:Average reported size from P Carninci is 2.3kb. Directionally cloned:5 end at XhoI, 3 end at BamHI
Original Plate Number:238
Associated Gene/TranscriptProsalpha3-RA
Protein status:RE23862.pep: gold
Preliminary Size:959
Sequenced Size:988

Associated Genes

Associations are from manual ordering of a clone or by a periodic analysis.
Gene Date Evidence
CG9327 2002-01-01 Sim4 clustering to Release 2
CG9327 2002-02-22 Blastp of sequenced clone
CG9327 2003-01-01 Sim4 clustering to Release 3
Pros29 2008-04-29 Release 5.5 accounting
Pros29 2008-08-15 Release 5.9 accounting
Pros29 2008-12-18 5.12 accounting

Clone Sequence Records

RE23862.complete Sequence

988 bp (988 high quality bases) assembled on 2002-02-22

GenBank Submission: AY084140

> RE23862.complete

RE23862.complete Blast Records

Blast to MB8.fasta performed 2010-07-15 19:25:41
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Pros29-RA 1101 Pros29-RA 115..1088 4..977 4870 100 Plus
Pros29.a 955 Pros29.a 71..955 89..973 4425 100 Plus
Prosalpha3T-RA 1385 Prosalpha3T-RA 399..552 356..509 290 79.2 Plus
Prosalpha3T-RA 1385 Prosalpha3T-RA 152..273 106..227 235 79.5 Plus
Pros29.a 955 Pros29.a 38..70 4..36 165 100 Plus
Prosalpha3T-RA 1385 Prosalpha3T-RA 573..628 530..585 160 85.7 Plus
Blast to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-16 12:49:22
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 16881878..16882550 300..972 3335 99.7 Plus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 16881534..16881740 93..299 990 98.6 Plus
chr2R 21145070 chr2R 16881337..16881426 5..94 450 100 Plus
chr3R 27901430 chr3R 26945283..26945512 585..356 385 77.8 Minus
chr3R 27901430 chr3R 26945638..26945759 227..106 220 78.7 Minus
Blast to dmel-all-all_noncoding-r5.12.fasta performed on 2010-04-22 20:43:28 has no hits.
Blast to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 12:49:20
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
2R 25286936 2R 20995446..20996123 300..977 3390 100 Plus
2R 25286936 2R 20995102..20995308 93..299 1035 100 Plus
2R 25286936 2R 20994904..20994994 4..94 455 100 Plus
3R 32079331 3R 31122890..31123119 585..356 370 77.4 Minus
Blast to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-12 20:54:42
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
2R 25260384 2R 20996645..20997322 300..977 3390 100 Plus
2R 25260384 2R 20996301..20996507 93..299 1035 100 Plus
2R 25260384 2R 20996103..20996193 4..94 455 100 Plus
3R 31820162 3R 30863797..30863950 509..356 290 79.2 Minus
3R 31820162 3R 30864076..30864197 227..106 235 79.5 Minus
3R 31820162 3R 30863721..30863776 585..530 160 85.7 Minus
Blast to na_te.dros performed on 2019-03-16 12:49:20 has no hits.

RE23862.complete Sim4 Records

Sim4 to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-16 12:50:00 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
chr2R 16881334..16881425 1..93 96 -> Plus
chr2R 16881535..16881740 94..299 98 -> Plus
chr2R 16881878..16882550 300..972 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.12.fasta performed 2008-12-08 20:03:34 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pros29-RA 1..795 91..885 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 18:38:49 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pros29-RA 1..795 91..885 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 11:39:21 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Prosalpha3-RA 1..795 91..885 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 19:09:04 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pros29-RA 1..795 91..885 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 10:57:15 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Prosalpha3-RA 1..795 91..885 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.12.fasta performed 2008-11-10 22:03:55 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pros29-RA 1..971 3..972 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 18:38:49 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pros29-RA 36..999 1..965 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 11:39:21 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Prosalpha3-RA 1..973 2..972 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 19:09:05 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Pros29-RA 1..971 3..972 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 10:57:15 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
Prosalpha3-RA 1..973 2..972 99   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 12:50:00 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 20994902..20994993 1..93 97 -> Plus
2R 20995103..20995308 94..299 100 -> Plus
2R 20995446..20996118 300..972 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 12:50:00 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 20994902..20994993 1..93 97 -> Plus
2R 20995103..20995308 94..299 100 -> Plus
2R 20995446..20996118 300..972 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 12:50:00 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 20994902..20994993 1..93 97 -> Plus
2R 20995103..20995308 94..299 100 -> Plus
2R 20995446..20996118 300..972 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE5 performed 2013-08-04 11:39:21 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
arm_2R 16882407..16882498 1..93 97 -> Plus
arm_2R 16882608..16882813 94..299 100 -> Plus
arm_2R 16882951..16883623 300..972 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-09 15:43:13 Download gff for RE23862.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
2R 20996645..20997317 300..972 100   Plus
2R 20996101..20996192 1..93 97 -> Plus
2R 20996302..20996507 94..299 100 -> Plus

RE23862.pep Sequence

Translation from 90 to 884

> RE23862.pep

RE23862.pep Blast Records

Blast to dana-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:27
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dana\GF12213-PA 265 GF12213-PA 1..264 1..264 1296 95.8 Plus
Dana\GF17957-PA 234 GF17957-PA 3..222 2..223 365 37.4 Plus
Dana\GF11246-PA 252 GF11246-PA 1..215 1..220 326 32.1 Plus
Dana\GF13117-PA 243 GF13117-PA 8..239 5..240 300 34 Plus
Dana\GF11235-PA 244 GF11235-PA 9..239 5..242 296 29 Plus
Blast to dere-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:28
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dere\GG22074-PA 264 GG22074-PA 1..264 1..264 1405 99.6 Plus
Dere\GG11887-PA 254 GG11887-PA 1..248 1..249 880 65.1 Plus
Dere\GG18927-PA 234 GG18927-PA 5..226 4..227 360 39.4 Plus
Dere\GG19922-PA 252 GG19922-PA 1..250 1..257 320 29.9 Plus
Dere\GG15180-PA 251 GG15180-PA 1..215 1..221 306 31.2 Plus
Blast to dgri-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:28
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dgri\GH20521-PA 263 GH20521-PA 1..244 1..246 1216 91.5 Plus
Dgri\GH13898-PA 234 GH13898-PA 5..226 4..227 363 37.1 Plus
Dgri\GH21393-PA 245 GH21393-PA 8..242 5..241 340 36.6 Plus
Dgri\GH13363-PA 288 GH13363-PA 5..177 4..180 301 38.4 Plus
Dgri\GH20892-PA 254 GH20892-PA 5..249 5..257 297 30.3 Plus
Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.23.fasta performed 2019-03-25 10:36:53
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Prosalpha3-PA 264 CG9327-PA 1..264 1..264 1354 100 Plus
Prosalpha3T-PA 251 CG1736-PA 1..241 1..242 829 64 Plus
Prosalpha2-PA 234 CG5266-PA 5..230 4..231 343 39.1 Plus
Prosalpha4T2-PB 252 CG4569-PB 1..250 1..257 335 30 Plus
Prosalpha4T2-PA 252 CG4569-PA 1..250 1..257 335 30 Plus
Prosalpha4T1-PA 249 CG17268-PA 1..249 1..255 310 29 Plus
Prosalpha6-PA 279 CG4904-PA 5..176 4..179 297 38.1 Plus
Prosalpha6-PB 279 CG4904-PB 5..176 4..179 297 38.1 Plus
Prosalpha4-PA 249 CG3422-PA 1..249 1..255 294 29 Plus
Prosalpha1-PB 244 CG18495-PB 9..239 5..242 290 30.3 Plus
Prosalpha1-PA 244 CG18495-PA 9..239 5..242 290 30.3 Plus
CG30382-PB 244 CG30382-PB 9..239 5..242 290 30.3 Plus
CG30382-PA 244 CG30382-PA 9..239 5..242 290 30.3 Plus
Prosalpha6T-PA 289 CG5648-PA 5..181 4..184 288 37 Plus
Prosalpha7-PA 253 CG1519-PA 8..252 5..263 279 29.3 Plus
Prosalpha5-PB 244 CG10938-PB 8..241 5..241 278 33.7 Plus
Prosalpha5-PA 244 CG10938-PA 8..241 5..241 278 33.7 Plus
Blast to dmoj-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:29
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dmoj\GI21067-PA 263 GI21067-PA 1..244 1..246 1237 93.1 Plus
Dmoj\GI24829-PA 234 GI24829-PA 5..226 4..227 363 37.1 Plus
Dmoj\GI18902-PA 253 GI18902-PA 4..163 5..165 305 37.3 Plus
Dmoj\GI18573-PA 245 GI18573-PA 8..219 5..216 305 36.7 Plus
Dmoj\GI18257-PA 254 GI18257-PA 4..197 1..195 296 33.3 Plus
Blast to dper-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:29
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dper\GL10139-PA 262 GL10139-PA 1..260 1..262 1319 93.9 Plus
Dper\GL22394-PA 246 GL22394-PA 1..241 1..245 765 59.3 Plus
Dper\GL27312-PA 234 GL27312-PA 3..226 2..227 366 36.8 Plus
Dper\GL20413-PA 252 GL20413-PA 1..215 1..220 329 33.2 Plus
Dper\GL11421-PA 244 GL11421-PA 8..240 5..240 308 34.7 Plus
Blast to dpse-all-translation-r3.2.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:30
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dpse\GA21704-PA 262 GA21704-PA 1..260 1..262 1316 93.9 Plus
Dpse\GA28930-PA 246 GA28930-PA 1..241 1..245 764 59.3 Plus
Dpse\GA18772-PA 234 GA18772-PA 3..226 2..227 366 36.8 Plus
Dpse\GA25111-PA 252 GA25111-PA 1..215 1..220 329 33.2 Plus
Dpse\GA25292-PA 249 GA25292-PA 1..249 1..258 311 31.3 Plus
Blast to dsec-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:30
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsec\GM15792-PA 264 GM15792-PA 1..264 1..264 1404 99.2 Plus
Dsec\GM12106-PA 257 GM12106-PA 1..242 1..243 841 63 Plus
Dsec\GM24033-PA 234 GM24033-PA 5..226 4..227 359 39.4 Plus
Dsec\Pros28.1B-PA 252 GM11825-PA 1..250 1..257 351 30.4 Plus
Dsec\GM20751-PA 244 GM20751-PA 9..239 5..242 310 30.7 Plus
Blast to dsim-all-translation-r1.4.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:31
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsim\GD11553-PA 264 GD11553-PA 1..264 1..264 1404 99.2 Plus
Dsim\GD16600-PA 257 GD16600-PA 1..242 1..243 845 63 Plus
Dsim\GD18834-PA 234 GD18834-PA 5..226 4..227 359 39.4 Plus
Dsim\Pros28.1B-PA 252 GD24946-PA 1..250 1..257 351 30.4 Plus
Dsim\GD10216-PA 244 GD10216-PA 9..239 5..242 310 30.7 Plus
Blast to dvir-all-translation-r1.2.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:31
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dvir\GJ21990-PA 263 GJ21990-PA 1..244 1..246 1184 93.1 Plus
Dvir\GJ24473-PA 234 GJ24473-PA 5..226 4..227 363 37.9 Plus
Dvir\GJ20367-PA 245 GJ20367-PA 8..243 5..242 315 33.2 Plus
Dvir\GJ20726-PA 251 GJ20726-PA 5..248 5..257 305 32 Plus
Dvir\Pros28.1B-PA 251 GJ19357-PA 3..214 4..220 300 33 Plus
Blast to dwil-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:32
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dwil\GK22956-PA 262 GK22956-PA 1..244 1..246 1235 93.1 Plus
Dwil\GK14404-PA 234 GK14404-PA 5..211 4..217 370 39.3 Plus
Dwil\GK21413-PA 245 GK21413-PA 8..243 5..242 314 36.3 Plus
Dwil\GK23128-PA 249 GK23128-PA 4..176 4..180 296 39 Plus
Dwil\GK21354-PA 244 GK21354-PA 9..239 5..242 295 29.3 Plus
Blast to dyak-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 00:11:32
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dyak\GE12155-PA 264 GE12155-PA 1..264 1..264 1405 99.6 Plus
Dyak\GE23336-PA 253 GE23336-PA 1..253 1..254 881 64.2 Plus
Dyak\GE26194-PA 234 GE26194-PA 5..226 4..227 362 39.4 Plus
Dyak\GE14482-PA 70 GE14482-PA 1..70 1..70 350 95.7 Plus
Dyak\GE11446-PA 252 GE11446-PA 1..250 1..257 325 31.2 Plus

RE23862.hyp Sequence

Translation from 90 to 884

> RE23862.hyp

RE23862.hyp Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 16:52:55
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Prosalpha3-PA 264 CG9327-PA 1..264 1..264 1354 100 Plus
Prosalpha3T-PA 251 CG1736-PA 1..241 1..242 829 64 Plus
Prosalpha2-PA 234 CG5266-PA 5..230 4..231 343 39.1 Plus
Prosalpha4T2-PB 252 CG4569-PB 1..250 1..257 335 30 Plus
Prosalpha4T2-PA 252 CG4569-PA 1..250 1..257 335 30 Plus