Clone RH72958 Report

Search the DGRC for RH72958

Clone and Library Details

Tissue Source:Drosophila melanogaster adult head
Created by:Piero Carninci, RIKEN Genome Science Laboratory
Date Registered:2001-04-30
Comments:Directionally cloned:5 end at XhoI, 3 end at BamHI
Original Plate Number:729
Associated Gene/TranscriptCG2076-RA
Protein status:RH72958.pep: gold
Preliminary Size:1198
Sequenced Size:1335

Associated Genes

Associations are from manual ordering of a clone or by a periodic analysis.
Gene Date Evidence
CG2076 2002-01-01 Sim4 clustering to Release 2
CG2076 2003-05-20 Blastp of sequenced clone
CG2076 2008-04-29 Release 5.5 accounting
CG2076 2008-08-15 Release 5.9 accounting
CG2076 2008-12-18 5.12 accounting

Clone Sequence Records

RH72958.complete Sequence

1335 bp (1335 high quality bases) assembled on 2003-05-20

GenBank Submission: BT009945

> RH72958.complete

RH72958.complete Blast Records

Blast to MB8.fasta performed 2010-07-15 20:42:50
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG2076-RA 1495 CG2076-RA 116..1437 2..1323 6610 100 Plus
CG1287-RA 1426 CG1287-RA 854..1029 849..1024 385 81.2 Plus
CG1287-RA 1426 CG1287-RA 740..840 735..835 205 80.1 Plus
CG1287-RA 1426 CG1287-RA 399..456 394..451 140 82.7 Plus
Blast to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-16 00:21:34
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
chrX 22417052 chrX 10981634..10982049 2..417 2080 100 Plus
chrX 22417052 chrX 10982541..10982880 671..1010 1700 100 Plus
chrX 22417052 chrX 10983172..10983349 1142..1319 875 99.4 Plus
chrX 22417052 chrX 10982302..10982444 530..672 715 100 Plus
chrX 22417052 chrX 10982971..10983108 1004..1141 675 99.3 Plus
chrX 22417052 chrX 10982116..10982228 417..529 565 100 Plus
chr3R 27901430 chr3R 3327247..3327700 1188..735 560 74.9 Minus
Blast to dmel-all-all_noncoding-r5.12.fasta performed on 2010-04-22 21:39:01 has no hits.
Blast to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 00:21:32
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
X 23542271 X 11090383..11090798 2..417 2080 100 Plus
X 23542271 X 11091290..11091629 671..1010 1700 100 Plus
X 23542271 X 11091921..11092102 1142..1323 910 100 Plus
X 23542271 X 11091051..11091193 530..672 715 100 Plus
X 23542271 X 11091720..11091857 1004..1141 690 100 Plus
X 23542271 X 11090865..11090977 417..529 565 100 Plus
3R 32079331 3R 7501184..7501637 1188..735 545 74.7 Minus
Blast to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-12 22:03:44
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
X 23527363 X 11098481..11098896 2..417 2080 100 Plus
X 23527363 X 11099388..11099727 671..1010 1700 100 Plus
X 23527363 X 11100019..11100200 1142..1323 910 100 Plus
X 23527363 X 11099149..11099291 530..672 715 100 Plus
X 23527363 X 11099818..11099955 1004..1141 690 100 Plus
X 23527363 X 11098963..11099075 417..529 565 100 Plus
3R 31820162 3R 7242179..7242354 1024..849 385 81.2 Minus
3R 31820162 3R 7242368..7242468 835..735 205 80.1 Minus
3R 31820162 3R 7242752..7242809 451..394 140 82.7 Minus
Blast to na_te.dros performed 2019-03-16 00:21:33
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsil\Loa 7779 Dsil\Loa DSV28T24 7779bp AKA(S39346) Derived from X60177 (Rel. 37, Last updated, Version 8). 3163..3242 1026..945 135 64.6 Minus

RH72958.complete Sim4 Records

Sim4 to d_melanogaster_OreR.fa performed 2019-03-16 00:22:39 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
chrX 10981632..10982049 1..417 99 -> Plus
chrX 10982117..10982228 418..529 100 -> Plus
chrX 10982302..10982443 530..671 100 -> Plus
chrX 10982542..10982878 672..1008 100 -> Plus
chrX 10982976..10983108 1009..1141 99 -> Plus
chrX 10983172..10983349 1142..1319 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.12.fasta performed 2008-12-08 20:53:52 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1026 198..1223 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 20:36:05 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1026 198..1223 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 06:52:02 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1026 198..1223 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 21:12:01 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1026 198..1223 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-CDS-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 03:57:56 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1026 198..1223 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.12.fasta performed 2008-11-11 00:39:18 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1316 1..1315 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.32.fasta performed 2011-03-16 20:36:05 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1316 1..1315 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.52.fasta performed 2013-08-04 06:52:02 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 2..1319 2..1319 100   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r5.9.fasta performed 2008-07-21 21:12:01 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 1..1316 1..1315 99   Plus
Sim4 to dmel-all-transcript-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-27 03:57:56 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
CG2076-RA 2..1319 2..1319 100   Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 00:22:39 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
X 11090866..11090977 418..529 100 -> Plus
X 11091051..11091192 530..671 100 -> Plus
X 11091921..11092098 1142..1319 100   Plus
X 11090381..11090798 1..417 99 -> Plus
X 11091291..11091627 672..1008 100 -> Plus
X 11091725..11091857 1009..1141 100 -> Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 00:22:39 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
X 11090866..11090977 418..529 100 -> Plus
X 11091051..11091192 530..671 100 -> Plus
X 11091921..11092098 1142..1319 100   Plus
X 11090381..11090798 1..417 99 -> Plus
X 11091291..11091627 672..1008 100 -> Plus
X 11091725..11091857 1009..1141 100 -> Plus
Sim4 to na_all.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2019-03-16 00:22:39 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
X 11090866..11090977 418..529 100 -> Plus
X 11091051..11091192 530..671 100 -> Plus
X 11091921..11092098 1142..1319 100   Plus
X 11090381..11090798 1..417 99 -> Plus
X 11091291..11091627 672..1008 100 -> Plus
X 11091725..11091857 1009..1141 100 -> Plus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE5 performed 2013-08-04 06:52:02 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
arm_X 10985758..10985890 1009..1141 100 -> Plus
arm_X 10985954..10986131 1142..1319 100   Plus
arm_X 10984414..10984831 1..417 99 -> Plus
arm_X 10984899..10985010 418..529 100 -> Plus
arm_X 10985084..10985225 530..671 100 -> Plus
arm_X 10985324..10985660 672..1008 100 -> Plus
Sim4 to na_arms.dmel.RELEASE6 performed 2011-12-09 17:48:28 Download gff for RH72958.complete
Subject Subject Range Query Range Percent Splice Strand
X 11098479..11098896 1..417 99 -> Plus
X 11098964..11099075 418..529 100 -> Plus
X 11099149..11099290 530..671 100 -> Plus
X 11099389..11099725 672..1008 100 -> Plus
X 11099823..11099955 1009..1141 100 -> Plus
X 11100019..11100196 1142..1319 100   Plus

RH72958.pep Sequence

Translation from 197 to 1222

> RH72958.pep

RH72958.pep Blast Records

Blast to dana-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:18
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dana\GF20290-PA 340 GF20290-PA 1..340 2..341 1413 87.8 Plus
Dana\GF17301-PA 383 GF17301-PA 76..382 36..341 1057 68.2 Plus
Blast to dere-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:19
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dere\GG18387-PA 341 GG18387-PA 1..341 1..341 1544 94.1 Plus
Dere\GG25161-PA 365 GG25161-PA 61..364 40..341 1043 68.4 Plus
Dere\GG15091-PA 243 GG15091-PA 23..235 113..341 152 26.1 Plus
Blast to dgri-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:19
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dgri\GH17920-PA 341 GH17920-PA 1..341 1..341 1228 78 Plus
Dgri\GH18310-PA 366 GH18310-PA 35..365 21..341 1087 64.7 Plus
Dgri\GH15378-PA 243 GH15378-PA 23..235 113..341 148 26.4 Plus
Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.23.fasta performed 2019-03-25 11:03:03
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG2076-PB 341 CG2076-PB 1..341 1..341 1718 100 Plus
CG2076-PA 341 CG2076-PA 1..341 1..341 1718 100 Plus
Mics1-PA 365 CG1287-PA 55..364 34..341 1089 67.1 Plus
BI-1-PB 237 CG7188-PB 26..229 116..335 155 26.2 Plus
Blast to dmoj-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:20
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dmoj\GI16063-PA 334 GI16063-PA 1..334 1..340 1221 75.7 Plus
Dmoj\GI24122-PA 367 GI24122-PA 72..365 49..341 1026 66.7 Plus
Dmoj\GI12982-PA 244 GI12982-PA 23..235 113..341 149 25.7 Plus
Blast to dper-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:20
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dper\GL18256-PA 338 GL18256-PA 1..338 1..341 1374 82.5 Plus
Dper\GL12174-PA 366 GL12174-PA 54..365 33..341 1017 66.7 Plus
Blast to dpse-all-translation-r3.2.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:21
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dpse\GA28022-PA 338 GA28022-PA 1..338 1..341 1374 82.5 Plus
Dpse\GA11871-PA 366 GA11871-PA 54..365 33..341 1017 66.7 Plus
Blast to dsec-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:21
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsec\GM11453-PA 341 GM11453-PA 1..341 1..341 1742 99.1 Plus
Dsec\GM10478-PA 365 GM10478-PA 55..364 34..341 1048 67.7 Plus
Blast to dsim-all-translation-r1.4.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:22
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dsim\GD19479-PA 365 GD19479-PA 55..364 34..341 1044 67.4 Plus
Dsim\GD17005-PA 51 GD17005-PA 1..32 1..32 139 90.6 Plus
Blast to dvir-all-translation-r1.2.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:22
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dvir\GJ15635-PA 337 GJ15635-PA 1..337 1..341 1299 79.4 Plus
Dvir\GJ10944-PA 369 GJ10944-PA 74..367 49..341 992 67 Plus
Blast to dwil-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:23
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dwil\GK19984-PA 334 GK19984-PA 1..334 1..340 1321 79.9 Plus
Dwil\GK12014-PA 361 GK12014-PA 6..361 7..341 1076 62.4 Plus
Blast to dyak-all-translation-r1.3.fasta performed 2019-03-16 21:05:23
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
Dyak\GE15904-PA 339 GE15904-PA 1..339 1..341 1552 95 Plus
Dyak\GE25789-PA 365 GE25789-PA 52..364 33..341 1080 67.1 Plus

RH72958.hyp Sequence

Translation from 197 to 1222

> RH72958.hyp

RH72958.hyp Blast Records

Blast to dmel-all-translation-r6.02.fasta performed 2014-11-28 15:26:43
Subject Length Description Subject Range Query Range Score Percent Strand
CG2076-PB 341 CG2076-PB 1..341 1..341 1718 100 Plus
CG2076-PA 341 CG2076-PA 1..341 1..341 1718 100 Plus
CG1287-PA 365 CG1287-PA 55..364 34..341 1089 67.1 Plus
BI-1-PB 237 CG7188-PB 26..229 116..335 155 26.2 Plus